Springfield Heights 101: Maximizing Real Estate Points

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Springfield Heights has arrived in Springfield and finally there’s some decent expansion going on!  Loads of new stores, mansions, decorations and a ton of new land…all just beyond the mountains!

This is a fun update, designed to take a while.  So DO NOT RUSH IT!  It’s here for the long haul, and not going anywhere.  So take your time, enjoy it…don’t make yourself crazy with rushing everything, because I guarantee you you will get stuck at some point if you keep rushing.

EA has phased this expansion to have new stuff released as time moves on.  So not everything for Springfield Heights is currently available (you’ll notice this if you go to Other Springfield, you’ll see some buildings there not currently available..like the Plastic Surgery Center).  More is coming…so pace yourself and remember to have fun.  I know it’s tempting to get everything done immediately, but there’s no prize for finishing first.  Heck the quicker you finish the less you’ll have to do (since I promise you will get stuck at some point if you rush).  Remember it’s a marathon…so relax and have fun with it!

Anywho, now let’s talk about something you’re all eager to know more about…Real Estate Points!  How do you get them?  What do they do?  And how the heck can you get more of them and fast?  Well, as always we’re here for you.  So let’s break it all down, with some tips and tricks you can use to earn more!


As always let’s start with some basics….

What Are Real Estate Points?

Real Estate Points look like this ico_heights_realestate_lg and think of them like XP (or even Event Currency).  You accumulate them for doing various tasks, builds, upgrades etc in Springfield Heights and in return you can unlock more character tasks, more upgrades, more decorations and earn prizes from Red Blazer Realty!

It Says I Need 1.5 million ico_heights_realestate_lg to unlock the next decoration, If I “Use” Them Do I Lose Them?

Nope, not at all.  Real Estate Points, unlike the other currency (ico_heights_furniture_lg ico_heights_coffee_lg ico_heights_smartdevice_lg ico_heights_yogamat_lg ico_heights_pharmaceutical_lg ico_heights_goldawards_lg), are cumulative.  You will never “spend” them.  They’ll stay a cumulative total for the life of TSTO…so everything you do in Springfield Heights that earns Real Estate Points will continue to add to your Real Estate total for the life of TSTO.

What Do I Used Real Estate Points For? 

Real Estate Points are used for a couple of different things:
-To unlock new items in the store:

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Various items in the store will remain locked until you earn enough ico_heights_realestate_lg to unlock them.  Similar to XP in Springfield..how you’re required to be at a certain XP level before items in the store unlock.

-To unlock new character tasks at the currency buildings (Furniture Store, Coffee Shop, Institute of Tech, etc.) in Springfield Heights:

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Character tasks will be locked until you reach certain ico_heights_realestate_lg requirements….

-To earn new prizes from Red Blazer Realty:

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How Do I Earn Real Estate Points?

You’ll earn Real Estate Points by completing some questlines, buying items in the store and purchasing/upgrading Condos, Mansions, Office Buildings and Valet Parking.  (we’ll cover this all in detail in a bit)

So now that we’ve covered the basics.  Let’s break it down and give you some tips to earn more Real Estate Points at a decent rate, especially if you’re stuck.  

First thing I’m going to tell you…the Key to Earning More Real Estate Points is continuously spending/earning the Springfield Heights Currency  (ico_heights_furniture_lg ico_heights_coffee_lg ico_heights_smartdevice_lg ico_heights_yogamat_lg ico_heights_pharmaceutical_lg ico_heights_goldawards_lg).  Earn it and spend it wisely.

For example…expanding your land won’t earn you any Real Estate Points BUT you should expand your land enough to unlock the currency buildings in Springfield Heights.  Be smart about it.  Don’t unlock all the land, just clear a short path to the next building.  Try to find the quickest route, ie the least about of currency required, to get there.

However, spending currency to buy items in the store and upgrade condos, mansions, etc WILL earn you more Real Estate Points.

So just be smart about what you spend and how you spend it.  Think before you tap.

So now, you’re stuck.  You’re at 750k ico_heights_realestate_lg but you need 1 million to progress, what do you do?

You’ve got a variety of options.

First you should know that Cookie Kwan as an 8hr task that will earn you 1,000 ico_heights_realestate_lg each time you complete it.

In addition to her task (and some stuff a little easier and quicker) you can purchase items in the store for Springfield Heights Currency.  (look at what each item costs and how many ico_heights_realestate_lg it pays out when purchased..there are some good deals)  Here’s a breakdown of what each item in the store (as of the first release…as I said EA will be adding more as the weeks progress) costs and earns in ico_heights_realestate_lg:

fancyfencese_menu  Fancy Fence– 10 ico_heights_furniture_lg (+1500 ico_heights_realestate_lg)

fancywall_menuFancy Wall- 15 ico_heights_furniture_lg (+3000ico_heights_realestate_lg)

mansionclassicpalm01_menuPalm Tree 1- 25 ico_heights_furniture_lg (4500 ico_heights_realestate_lg)

mansionclassicpalm02_menuPalm Tree 2- 25 ico_heights_furniture_lg (+4500 ico_heights_realestate_lg)

Small Plant- 5ico_heights_furniture_lg (+1000 ico_heights_realestate_lg)

Deluxe Cond0- 15 ico_heights_furniture_lg…can only have 10 in Spingfield Heights.. (+200k ico_heights_realestate_lg)

shpromenadegate_menuSpringfield Heights Gate- 50 ico_heights_furniture_lg (+75,000ico_heights_realestate_lg)

fancylamppost_menuFancy Lampost- 30 ico_heights_furniture_lg (+5000 ico_heights_realestate_lg)

bellagiofountain_transimageClassy Fountain-ico_heights_smartdevice_lg (+22.5K ico_heights_realestate_lg)

mansionclassicmainbuilding01_menuClassic Mansion- 10 ico_heights_coffee_lg (+300k ico_heights_realestate_lg)

fancyparkade01_menuValet Parking- 1o ico_heights_smartdevice_lg (requires 1.85 million ico_heights_realestate_lg) (+400K ico_heights_realestate_lg)

mansionmodernbigbuilding_menuModern Mansion- 25 ico_heights_coffee_lg (Requires 6.2 million ico_heights_realestate_lg) (+600K ico_heights_realestate_lg)

fancybusiness01_menuBusiness Center- 20 ico_heights_smartdevice_lg (Requires 3.75 million ico_heights_realestate_lg) (+500kico_heights_realestate_lg)

Classic Garden- 10 ico_heights_coffee_lg (Requires 1.85 Million ico_heights_realestate_lg) (+30k ico_heights_realestate_lg)

fancytree_menuFancy Tree- 5ico_heights_yogamat_lg (Requires 2.5 Million ico_heights_realestate_lg) (+15k ico_heights_realestate_lg)

Jet Ski- 200ico_heights_furniture_lg (Requires 3 million ico_heights_realestate_lg) (+300k ico_heights_realestate_lg)

Modern Awning-  50ico_heights_coffee_lg (Requires 6.2 million ico_heights_realestate_lg) (+150Kico_heights_realestate_lg)

goldenfancytree_menuFancy Gold Tree- 200ico_heights_furniture_lg(Requires 10 million ico_heights_realestate_lg) (+300k ico_heights_realestate_lg)

goldenpalmtree_menuGold Palm Tree- 150ico_heights_furniture_lg (Requires 8 million ico_heights_realestate_lg) (+200k ico_heights_realestate_lg)

Small Gold Plant- 100ico_heights_furniture_lg(Requires 8 million ico_heights_realestate_lg) (+150kico_heights_realestate_lg)

vineyard_menuVineyard- 5ico_heights_pharmaceutical_lg (Requires 10 million ico_heights_realestate_lg) (+22.5K ico_heights_realestate_lg)

Gold Mailbox- 5ico_heights_goldawards_lg (Requires 28.2 million ico_heights_realestate_lg) (+37.5K ico_heights_realestate_lg)

The premium items also earn loads of ico_heights_realestate_lg.  Check them out in the store to see what they’ll earn. 

You’ll notice that a few of the items in the store are Condos, Mansions, Valet, Business Center etc. and they pay out a TON of ico_heights_realestate_lg. This is KEY.  My best advice for earning a TON of ico_heights_realestate_lg is to BUY BUY BUY the Condos, Mansions, Valet Parking, Business Centers etc.  You’re allow 10 of each per Springfield Heights.  They’re inexpensive, they earn you a TON of ico_heights_realestate_lg…oh and they can be upgraded to earn you even more ico_heights_realestate_lg.

Start with the Deluxe Condo, since it’s the first one you’ll be able to unlock and just start buying.  Each time you build one you’ll earn 200k ico_heights_realestate_lg (so for 10 of them that’s 2 million, JUST for buying them).  And upgrading will only earn you more.  Then move onto the Mansion and other items.  Each one will earn you more ico_heights_realestate_lg.

Let’s break it all down…

Note: You will need questlines to unlock these.  The questlines will trigger as you continue to complete the main questline.  So if it hasn’t trigger for you yet, DO NOT PANIC.  It just means you didn’t finish the right Springfield Heights questline yet in order to trigger it.  Just continue to progress through the questlines and eventually it’ll trigger. 

Starting with the Deluxe Condo..

fancycondo01_menu Costs: 15 ico_heights_furniture_lg
Build Time: 8hrs
Earned for Building: 200,000ico_heights_realestate_lg
Limit: 10/ Springfield Heights
Level Up Costs/Rewards:

Level Requires Points for Completing 
2 10ico_heights_furniture_lg 1ico_heights_coffee_lg 500Kico_heights_realestate_lg
3 40ico_heights_furniture_lg 25ico_heights_coffee_lg 1.1 Millionico_heights_realestate_lg
4 75ico_heights_coffee_lg 25ico_heights_smartdevice_lg 3.1 Millionico_heights_realestate_lg
5 60ico_heights_smartdevice_lg 25ico_heights_yogamat_lg 7.1 Millionico_heights_realestate_lg

Next up the Classic Mansion:


Costs: 10 ico_heights_coffee_lg
Build Time: 8hrs
Earned for Building: 300,000ico_heights_realestate_lg
Limit: 10/ Springfield Heights
Needed to Unlock: Getting Classy Pt. 1
Level Up Costs/Rewards:

Level Requires Points for Completing 
2 25ico_heights_coffee_lg 15ico_heights_smartdevice_lg 750Kico_heights_realestate_lg
3 50ico_heights_coffee_lg 25ico_heights_smartdevice_lg 1.64 Millionico_heights_realestate_lg
4 75ico_heights_coffee_lg 50ico_heights_smartdevice_lg 4.63 Millionico_heights_realestate_lg
5 75ico_heights_smartdevice_lg 75ico_heights_pharmaceutical_lg 10.6 Millionico_heights_realestate_lg

The next option to unlock will be Valet Parking:


Costs: 10 ico_heights_smartdevice_lg
Build Time: 8hrs
Earned for Building: 400,000ico_heights_realestate_lg
Limit: 10/ Springfield Heights
Needed to Unlock: 1.85 million ico_heights_realestate_lg and Show-vroom Pt. 1
Level Up Costs/Rewards:

Level Requires Points for Completing 
2 20ico_heights_coffee_lg 20ico_heights_smartdevice_lg 1 millionico_heights_realestate_lg
3 30ico_heights_coffee_lg 30ico_heights_smartdevice_lg 2.2 millionico_heights_realestate_lg
4 30ico_heights_smartdevice_lg80ico_heights_yogamat_lg 6.2 millionico_heights_realestate_lg
5 40ico_heights_pharmaceutical_lg 80ico_heights_yogamat_lg 14.2 millionico_heights_realestate_lg

Next on our list is the Business Center:


Costs: 20 ico_heights_smartdevice_lg
Build Time: 8hrs
Earned for Building: 500,000ico_heights_realestate_lg
Limit: 10/ Springfield Heights
Needed to Unlock: 3.75 million ico_heights_realestate_lg and Above the Clouds of Springfield Pt. 1
Level Up Costs/Rewards:

Level Requires Points for Completing 
2 25ico_heights_coffee_lg 20ico_heights_smartdevice_lg 1.25 Millionico_heights_realestate_lg
3 50ico_heights_smartdevice_lg 25ico_heights_yogamat_lg 2.75 Millionico_heights_realestate_lg
4 50ico_heights_pharmaceutical_lg 25ico_heights_yogamat_lg 7.75 Millionico_heights_realestate_lg
5 125ico_heights_pharmaceutical_lg 50ico_heights_goldawards_lg 17.75 Millionico_heights_realestate_lg

And finally (at least for now) we have the Modern Mansion:


Costs: 25 ico_heights_coffee_lg
Build Time: 8hrs
Earned for Building: 600,000ico_heights_realestate_lg
Limit: 10/ Springfield Heights
Needed to Unlock: 6.2 million ico_heights_realestate_lg and My Cubical Dream Pt. 1
Level Up Costs/Rewards:

Level Requires Points for Completing 
2 50ico_heights_coffee_lg 20ico_heights_yogamat_lg 1.5 Millionico_heights_realestate_lg
3 25ico_heights_coffee_lg 30ico_heights_pharmaceutical_lg 3.29 Millionico_heights_realestate_lg
4 30ico_heights_pharmaceutical_lg 15ico_heights_goldawards_lg 9.26 Millionico_heights_realestate_lg
5 30ico_heights_pharmaceutical_lg 20ico_heights_goldawards_lg 21.19 Millionico_heights_realestate_lg

So basically…Condo, Mansion, Valet, Business Center Farm.  Get as many as you can and yield as many ico_heights_realestate_lg from each as you can.  That’s the best (and quickest) way to earn more ico_heights_realestate_lg.

The downside?  Each one takes 8hrs to build.   But as long as you continue to grind currency you’ll be able to continuously upgrade and earn more ico_heights_realestate_lg to unlock more tasks and prizes!

And there you have it my friends…the details behind Real Estate Points and how to earn them quickly when you’re stuck!  Follow the methods above and you won’t be stuck for very long!

What are your thoughts on Real Estate Points?  Have you been farming for them already?  Are you spending your currency wisely or just buying everything you can?  What are your thoughts on Springfield Heights so far?  Are you taking your time, or rushing through it?


262 responses to “Springfield Heights 101: Maximizing Real Estate Points

  1. How does this end? I have reached $1Bn but not had to upgrade every building. But the icons keep asking me to make more coffee, yoga mats etc. which is an annoyance. I *could* fill them all up to their maximums I guess but that;s quite tedious

  2. I just passed the 2milllion mark. So I should’ve unlocked the Springfield lake. But it hasn’t popped up or any thing yet. What do I do?

  3. Hiya I’ve just reached 1B, the side bar is asking me to place the billionaires haven but I can’t find it anywhere. Any ideas? Thank you

  4. I can’t find any Springfield Heights items in my store. I only have 1 ea of the mansions, condos, etc. & have maxed them out. Where do I go to buy more? Thanks for the help!

  5. I just need to upgrade one more mansion to level 5 and thats it im done ..Will more land open up?

  6. I understand there is cap of 10 for each building. But if I sell one, would I be able to buy another one. I know, silly question but just curious 😉

  7. I just discovered that I can’t store any of the Springfield Heights buildings. This is very annoying because my Springfields Heights area is overcrowded and I want to store some of my completed buildings until I get more land. Any ideas why we can’t put them in storage?

    • Been going on a while now. Due to people could store them and they would disappear so a player could get more. So EA disabled store feature until it is fixed.

  8. Still didn’t answer my question… At ‘LA body works’ it says that my storage is full as I have 10/10 maps. But it also says that I can trade them for real estate value points but I don’t know how to do that?

  9. I truly wish someone would please 1) POST my question , and 2) ANSWER it.

    Valet Parking : To upgrade to Level 5, I need 40 Pharmaceuticals and 80 Yoga Mats.

    HOW on Earth can this be achieved, when Yoga Mats are needed for the production of Pharmaceuticals???

    I go two steps forward only to go back one. Am I better off just trying to increase my Realty value by building tons of first-level buildings? Because I truly fail to see a way of getting that Valet Parking to Level 5.

    NOT a fan of this Springfield Heights currency.

    • This is the first question I see from you that’s not post…so if there’s something else, we don’t have it.

      It’s possible to achieve, you just have to keep pumping out the yoga mats. Remember nothings required to produce them except 8 minutes.

    • First alley earn all your pills first!
      Then go back and get your mats, problem solve

  10. Considering all my friends are about $400M behind me, I’m just sitting here wondering if I’m the first person in the game to hit $1B without cheating in any way…just got it about 10 minutes ago…

  11. I have worked the math for my goal of SH buildings.

    Deluxe Condo – 2 at each Level = $39,200,000
    Classic Mansion – 10 at Level 5 = $179,200,000
    Valet Parking – 2 at each Level = $78,400,000
    Business Centre – 2 at each Level = $98,000,000
    Modern Mansion – 10 at Level 5 = $358,400,000

    Total $753,200,000.

    So I essentially have to find another $250,000,000 worth of real estate value with the decorations. Although I am not that phased about getting the Billionaire Playground.

  12. Maths! Maths! Maths! (ok, really arithmetic)

    I worked out what it would take to earn all 10 Level 5 buildings, and it’s:
    650 Chairs, 4360 Lattés, 4300 MyPads, 2550 Yoga Mats, 3800 Pills, and 850 Awards.

    I also worked out how long it would take (including the costs based on various items, but not stopping getting all if you earn enough, too much work) if you tapped NON-STOP!

    It would take 3310 minutes, or a little over 55 hours!

    By the way, you would earn enough extra chairs to buy 220 Jet Skis! And you would have 1,195,100,000 Real Estate Value (just in buildings).

  13. Not sure if anyone has posted these or not, but here are a couple of ways I have found that increase real estate points. First, buy Jet Skies. They are 200 chairs and pay 300k each time. And since getting chairs is fast it’s a quick way to dump the chairs and increase your points. Btw, items in your inventory will still count toward your total points. I currently have over 30 jet skies and I’m at 439.5 M. (I’ve been tapping nonstop since I had a few days off). Second, I just blew up my Springfield and when I went to put back my Deluxe Condos out, my inventory only showed 2. I had all 10. And they were locked saying formula needed or something like that. So I checked the store and lo and behold, I could buy 8 more. My real estate points had not lowered. At least I don’t think they had. So now I’m waiting 8 hours and should be able to increase my points a second time.

  14. What I find absolutely frustrating is being forced to use other SH Currency to do other jobs:
    Institute of Technology: 2 furniture and 1 latte = 1 smart device
    John’s Pharmaceuticals: 1 Yoga mat and 2 coffee cups = 1 pill
    While the other places you can just earn SH Currency without having to spend it. It’s insane! At least give me 2 pills if I’m spending SH currency to make more SH currency. I only have Prof. Frink and Squeaky Voice Teen earning me 2 instead of the standard 1. I don’t spend money on donuts to get premium characters. Wish I could.
    I started last night. 12 hours later I’m at around 14.7 million in real estate value. Mind you I should really be studying for my nursing boards LOL.
    I’m trying to figure out if it’s better to upgrade my condos (I maxed out bought all 10 not realizing there’s 10 each of the other buildings) or unlock characters for jobs. I mean it makes sense to unlock characters as my real estate points go up but that only happens if I upgrade to increase real estate points.
    This is really annoying trying to “budget” and figure out my next move. I think I’m just used to rushing through quests and I have to learn to be more patient?
    Oh and my SH Leaderboard? People have already hit the 100000000 mark in real estate value. *insert Jackie Chan meme here*

  15. The targets for the major prizes are so ridiculously high and accumulating so little currency with such short jobs is so excruciatingly tedious, I’m not even going to really try getting Billionaire’s Haven. And I already have all character tasks in all five building unlocked, quite a bit of the new land and still managed to accumulate over 170K… but I’m feeling pretty worn out already.

    Hoping they’ll change the earning jobs to something longer with higher earnings some time down the road.

    • it won’t take as long as you seem to think it will, you just haven’t done anything to truly boost your earnings yet. the majority of your real estate value will be earned by constructing and upgrading all the new buildings in this expansion. it’s been but a week since SH hit, and i’m just above 200 mil… and that’s after waiting for the forced update to hit and taking some time off here and there from tapping. i’m not even in the top 10 on my leaderboard either.

      and congrats to amygo, you are officially way ahead of anybody else on my list, haha. nearing that billion mark already, wow!

  16. please i have completed modern mansion already and i dont know how to arrange the pieces. help! thank you.

    • You complete them any way you want. Just like you design your town anyway you want. There’s no right or wrong way.

    • you don’t have to use any of the pieces if you don’t want to. conversely, you can use JUST the pieces to create unique looking, standalone buildings. more than a few possibilities out there… 🙂

  17. One of my neighbors has a gate based on the “fancy fence ” in the Springfield Heights update, yet I don’t see it available to purchase. Any idea how to obtain this?

  18. As per my comment earlier, i did some juggling and finally connected the mansion pieces.

    But, a separate and different question: how often and how much does the Red Blazer Realty OFFICE pay out? I can’t seem to find that answer anywhere, not even in the Red Blazer Realty Guide.

  19. This new update is actually satanic!! Good I mean, only thing is, crazy…really crazy, 30 secs for the chairs, 5 mins for lattes…man…. It’s realistically sooooo unhealthy playing this game right now. You can do a 24/7. Can’t they adjust the times for collecting all the Real Estate Points? I find it’s a BIT tooo much, every 30 secs??? A lot of peoples phones are gonna crack I think lol. I know, it says this game will destroy your life… but I rather wanna play with a sane brain and don’t wanna make accidents huhuuu.

    • it’s only satanic if you let it be. you are capped at 200 chairs, and with those 30 second tasks it’s really quick to reach that max. by no means are you required to always have this maxed out though, and once you get further into the expansion, you will realize you don’t need to be crafting furniture most of the time, just when you need to craft more mypads or decorations based on chairs.

    • ever since i saw Load off’s post calling the sh update satanic – it’s all i can think of as i make coffee, yoga mats and pills….satanic!
      maybe they should include earning sh currency in the 2015 Treehouse of Horror!

  20. I’ve hit 300k today. Had a couple buildings stored disappear and had to rebuild them. I do recommend focusing your efforts. It can be beneficial to get done with as much need of the first four resources as you can. Right now I am ignoring pills and awards to focus on everything that doesn’t need those. Once that is all finished I will move on to pills then the awards.

  21. Does land expansion go toward your real estate value in Springfield Heights?

  22. Alright. Am I the only one having this problem? I built and upgraded several buildings (business center and classic mansion) then stored them and they disappeared. I still have the “extra parts” for 5 higher level mansions, but no mansions higher than level 1 in inventory. In addition, I have accumulated 15 valet parking and 15 condos. I thought the limit was 10? I’m wondering if somehow my business center and mansions “converted” somehow with magic code…. Now I’m afraid to store these 2 type of buildings at all.

    • Check your general inventory. In other words, open your inventory but don’t click any tabs. When you first open your inventory you usually see 3 items. You can scroll that screen just like you can if you hit a tab. I have found several “missing items” that way. If it’s not there check the store to see if you can buy more. I had this happen with my Deluxe Condos and my real estate points didn’t go down. Now I can get “free” points by leveling 8 more.

  23. Anyone try selling a building? Perhaps it won’t subtract from the total real estate points and allow us to rebuild a more desirable level 1 or 2 building?

  24. I don’t see the Plastic Surgery Center. I’ve unlocked Paris Texas and have done her dialogue. One of her tasks is the Plastic Surgery place. Is it not the old plastic surgery place we had that did stomach stapling?

  25. Hi

    I like it!!!!! Good godda+*-**ù^m upgrade 🙂 (little TX joke… oh boy)
    One question though…. When you do the little missions to earn points (furniture, coffeecups, Oscars etc… can’t they just let you earn the points? When you want a character to earn 1 pill, you need 2 cellphone-points and 1 yoga mat-point, would it not be better just to earn the points without having to lose points from the others??? It takes anyway a fixed time to earn those points…so…. just a question ofcourse. I think it would be better like this because you keep moving stuff around in Springfield, it’s more fun, more motivating and more sizzling to play the game. Also, you gotta go with the flow…your Original town also goes on. By each update other stuff comes free and your level also goes up and you gotta earn money to buy the new buildings and so son and so on 😉 lol

    Remarkable piece of poetry:

    Delectable I see the light (would be: my Phone in the night), delightfully I see donuts (would be: a bag of Doritos rich of fat and salt)…lusciously I eat ’em (would be: like a pig under the bedsheets that hasn’t eaten for days and a bit paranoid)…when I play this apocalyptic life devastating game (would be: red eyes, dry lips and swollen intestines at 4 AM)…oh mother (this is: she WOULD kill me) …

    Thank you


  26. Is anyone else having the problem where when you go to give springfielders their tasks the same head will appear for about 3 people before changing ? And also when I’ve completed a mission the mission box will say done but for it to proceed to the next mission I have to go to friends and go into someone else’s town and then back to my own before the “well done” box appears and the mission continues. Really annoying!

    • Yes. I too have had that happen to me. And it always seems to get stuck on the same characters.

    • I noticed if you tap certain characters too quickly after they finish their missions, they will walk away for a period before starting next mission, but if you wait for their animation sequence to finish they come right back and everyone will start and stop at the same time. I also found the easiest, although not necessarily the quickest way to level up is to knock out the smallest stuff first and work your way up. I am completely finished with couches, phones, and cell phones, in that order. I am currently running approximately twice as many mats as pills and have about 100 trophys in store. Once I max out on mats I’ll only need to build pills and trophys to reach 1 billion. I reached 500 mill about the point I finished with coffees and cell phones went very quickly after that.

  27. Hi! I was wondering if anyone had the problem with crating too many things before a task. For example, I had Apu make 10 cellphones and one of the tasks requires you to make two cellphones. However, it won’t let me because I have reached the max. that I could make. I can’t upgrade and I wonder I am up the creek. Does anyone have any suggestions?

  28. Do you know if we will be able to sell buildings and buy them back later? I am upgrading all of my buildings now for the real estate points, but later I would actually like some of the buildings on a lower level. I don’t mind buying them at level 1 and starting them over again, but I don’t know if I should save some buildings at lower levels now if I can’t buy them again later. (For example, later I would love to construct a condo center made up of condos at all 5 levels, so am I safe to upgrade all 10 condos to level 5s to get the real estate points, knowing I can sell them later and buy level 1 condos again? Or do I need to set aside some of the condos at a lower level now?) Thanks guys!!!

  29. nice update!!

    while we all need to be so active it must be hard for their servers 😉

    question… you talked about “more to come…” like the plastic surgery… is there any idea when that will be? is there more soon or will it take a long time…?

  30. level4killstorm

    Anyone else having the problem where they can’t move the classic mansion side balcony once placed?

    I decided to move my classic mansion and everything else moved but that piece can’t be selected. So now I have this piece floating on its own 🙂

    • It’s more postmodern that way…no just kidding, sounds like a glitch. I’d shut the game down and try it again.

      • I’m simply having a difficult time connecting the pieces! Is there a “preferred” way to place the Classic Mansion Update add-ons? That balcony looks like it was meant to attach to the upper floor of the Addition but when I OK the ✅, the balcony swings around to the back of the building and can’t be seen. You must deselect buildings in the “place/move items mode” in order to select it.

        That other awning in the store, any particular place it should go?

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