Addicts Open Thread

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

It’s that time of the week again, time for the Addicts Weekly Open Thread!  So, let’s get the conversation going!  Oh and remember…just because this is posted here today doesn’t mean you can’t comment on it all week long.  This open thread will still be open for comments long after today is over!

Here’s where you can talk about anything you want to talk about…TSTO Related, Simpson’s Related or ANYTHING.  Just no Add me requests…those should go here.  We’ll give you a few suggestions (like most Sunday’s you can talk about the current episode of the Simpsons) but for the most part you’re free to talk about ANYTHING your little Tapping Fingers desire…just keep it PG.

So…here is your Open Thread.  No new episode of The Simpsons tonight, but the Thanksgiving Event is still finishing up in TSTO.  What are your thoughts on the Thanksgiving Event?  How about the Black Friday deals?  Pick up anything good that you’ve been wanting?  Anything you’re still waiting on?
How was your Thanksgiving? Do anything fun and exciting?  Or was it just another Thursday for you?
Sunday Night Football tonight features the Patriots at the Broncs.  Something you’ll be checking out?  Did your team play earlier today?  How’d they do?
How was your weekend?  Do anything fun and exciting?  Get any Christmas shopping done?  (only 3 weeks left)

So chat about the Simpsons, TSTO, Update fun, or anything else you can think of!  Can’t wait to chat with you all, you know we love hearing from you!

Have Fun!  And happy Sunday!



372 responses to “Addicts Open Thread

  1. I can’t believe the super collider doesn’t come with the black hole: (
    I should have researched better before I pulled the trigger. I’ve been wanting it for a long time, but without the black hole…. Sigh…

  2. Have a fanastic week everyone 😊

  3. Does the Supercollider come with the black hole? I purchased it but don’t see the black hole. Also, no questline? Lame. At least there’s a premium task there for The Collider.

  4. Got akira from sale. Great price. Is kumiko necessary for generating bonsai trees? How do i get her?

  5. Do you have a should I buy up on the Kwik-E-Mart headquarters yet? Lissa! You got some splainin’ to do (Ricky Ricardo accent). Really though hope you had a great holiday with yr new family.
    Take Yr time on the post though I look forward to hearing Yr opinion. I Love it and thought it was really cheap. I was expecting 250 sprinkles.

    • lol It’ll be up eventually today. I made the decision right before Riley was born and I did the Act 3 change over for Halloween…that unless i’m up for a feeding or a cranky baby I’m no longer getting up at the crack of down to cover updates. If my kid’s letting me sleep in, I am. And today she let me sleep…so no coverage until I woke up and had her settled. 🙂

      • No worries seriously. Honestly I’ve reached the point where 99% of the time I read this post for entertainment. I still need you guys but I know this game like the back of my hand at this point. In fact I now avoid posts until I’ve had a chance to explore myself for fear of spoilers. In fact I wish people hadn’t have mentioned the Kwik-E-Mart headquarters. Would have been a nice surprise but whatever. At least the Robot dog caught me off guard!
        Just trying to shed light on my respect for how you can deal with an infant and this. The resilience of women can make men look like such synonym for cats.
        Family first!

      • I Don’t have an “account” so I can not “like” your post, which I do.
        BUT, I am running the math in my head, based on comments you have posted in the past.
        If you were about 17 in 2001, you are 30 something today – ahh, I remember that age. It was when I hit the wall and could no longer “party” like I was 20 something.
        Sleep called out to me, and quite loudly.
        Sleep, Alissa, sleeeeeeeep!

  6. I only have one thing to say… Christmas skin for the monorail! That is all 🙂

  7. Woo hoo! Frink’s Robot Dog. I didn’t see that coming a mile away. Being the complteteist I am it drove me nuts to look at my pets collection and see that gray shaded Robot dog. That leaves me with five things I don’t have…
    1. Respectable Moe skin
    2. Snake with football helmet
    3. Snake with kids in it
    4. Snake mound
    5. Whacking Day sign
    And to be honest I think the sign should be left for those that were there. Though my first day was the last day of Whacking Day so technically I was there

  8. As Simp7fan hints at in their clever joke 😊, Teleporters Alpha and Omega are on sale for a net 30 donuts (50 – 20 rebate). Less than an hour-to-go for purchase and I don’t see them listed as repeating in the future. I hope this post helps someone else, as I already spent my donuts on Akira! Enjoy Cyber Monday!!

  9. Spent all my donuts now.
    So I’ll start saving for next year’s black Friday deals. Or whatever deals will come by along the way

  10. *teleports*




  11. I try to keep with all the news that’s fit to convert to electrons and be disseminated, but is the Re-Neducation Center truly an inert hunk of architecture? Are there really no character interactions with it after the event? Will the doors ever open again?

    • Truly a storage worthy hunk. What is worse is I knew it and spent (nominal) donuts to finish what I knew I would store and could have completed on borrowed event time. I did it because you never know until later what you may regret not doing. ie I saw no point in crafting more purple bldgs. during the end of whatever event, I’ve had occasion to use those buildings several times since. D’oh! So, now I just do it, even if I can’t see the sense of it now. *waves to one of my favorite Neighbor-eeno’s

  12. Happy Sunday everyone, hope everyone had a great weekend.

  13. Where did the little tan dog come from?
    It says “d’oh!” If you tap twice on it, and it’s categorized Under “exotic animals and pets”.

  14. Would love to see EA bring in an ad system so you can watch an ad for free donuts. IMO it would be an unobtrusive way for people to earn donuts and allow EA to still make money

  15. I was thinking of saving my donuts until Christmas, but I was scrolling through the comments and saw that Akira is a good deal with Black Friday. Should I spend donuts on Akira? I have 205.

    • Akira is a good buy at full price, but he is one of my favorites on the show. Besides earning premium wages, he makes bonsai and gives Ralph a job.

      • love the building as much as the character!

        btw i knew you were around because you were topping my leaderboards for a while, but i didn’t see you post many/any comments recently…? anyway just wanted to say glad to see you here back at it! 👊

    • Definitely get Akira. I did. This is the best character/building combo for the money (doughnuts).

  16. Help, my game is restarting at level1. I am unable to play, so very frustrating. I tried to play level 1 to get to the login to see if that would do the treat but it keeps crashing before I can build the kiwi e Mart. Please help me grandmahx3.

  17. Karlir608 – So sorry I was scrolling through your town and accidently sprayed your Moes.
    Gailyn – gpikky

    • I dont spray peoples towns, but dont get why people dont like it. When I click the spray it rewards rather somebody click that than nothing, unless i am missing something

      • Spraying has a negative impact on the Righteous Level of both the Sprayer and Sprayee, necessitating the purchase of Training Walls.

      • It’s one of those things that’s OK if there’s really nothing else to tap, but at the same time accidents do happen. If someone puts themselves on the “Promise Not To Vandalize” board, the least he can do is make sure the potential targets are really avoidable.

      • I was actually at a point where I do not need any training walls during Halloween event. After the event, I got vandalised a few times and now I need 27 walls to make maintain my righteousness.

  18. I’m hoping EA will have a monorail section exchange. I get so frustrated because I don’t get many straight sections, but get way more curves and esses than I need.

    • It’s a grind. I just recently replaced all the short straights with long ones. Now I am just in it for the Ds. After I amass enough long straight ones I might expand the system.

      Hang in there!

    • I ended up getting creative with the curved and semi-curved ones. You can zig-zag with both types (separately) to make a nice wiggly track through your town. The semi-curved one is especially good at an ‘almost straight’ track that doesn’t take up much more space than the straights. I have stockpiled a lot of straight pieces now, as I prefer the wiggly tracks to just straight runs.

      • Once I’ve finished my SH Mall-o-Rail, I may do that for my intended Cletus’es Moonshine Run but I feel everyone’s frustration in that it takes such a long time to get just one (straight) track piece you need vs. all the pieces you are awarded that you don’t.

    • I can see an adjunct to the Recycle Buildings – one that “re-manufactures” Rail Pieces. Question is, who would perform the work and what would be the “currency” required to perform that work., and how would one earn that “currency”.

      I think it would create an interesting and aggravating series of tasks.

  19. I kep asking …is there a cap on inventory and on screen items??????

    • Yes

    • Handsome B. Wonderful

      On screen…yes. 4500 items then you get a warning.

    • I think the cap on screen items may be 7500, but you start getting warning messages at 4500. I thought there was no cap on inventory, but I may have seen some posts about there being one at 1,000.

      But, keep in mind that the more on screen items you have, the more likely Thor gotten it’s going to cause a slow-down (and maybe even crashes) for neighbors who don’t have as good a device as you do.

      • I think the 1,000 is a cap for an individual item. I have way over 1,000 items in my inventory, I’m pretty close to 1,000 bits of brown fence so I could test it I s’pose, I’d just rather not!

        • Thanks, Swiss.. I knew I had seen something about a 1,000 inventory limit, but I wasn’t sure what it was. That makes more sense!

  20. What if they added Maude’s Praiseland for Springtime? It would have a task for eveyone to go and be amazed from a “Miracle” and the done symbol would be people in a wheelbarrow. 😃 Please EA…

  21. In cleaning up my Springfield, I put a bunch of stuff into my inventory. Is there a way to easily see what’s worth bonus percentages? A way that’s not scrolling through them all and hitting the “info” button?

  22. So, my Black Friday didn’t work out, but I got great deals still! I had 45 donuts so I bought a LOT of Mystery Boxes! In one, I got Lard Lad Donuts (AMAZINGG), I got a lemon tree, a car, another Channel 6 News Van, another Itchy and Scratchy billboard, another bomb shelter (nuclear bathroom for my town 😄),the Tire Fire, 10 EXTRA donuts, and a minnow pond! Bestest day if DONUTS, EVAH!

    • I have everything you listed except for the tire fire. Here’s hoping my mystery box tomorrow contains it. Oh, and congrats on the grab bag of goodies!

  23. I had been saving up freely acquired doughnuts all year in anticipation of this Black Friday sale so I went a bit crazy and bought:

    Sherri and Terri
    Luann and Cracker Factory
    Akira and Happy Sumo
    Disco Stu and his Disco
    Apple Tree
    Orange Tree

    I now have just over a hundred doughnuts left so I hope they don’t have another sale over Christmas. As a purely freemium player, I never buy event related premium items so not too bothered about those but would like to get some of the regular premium items like Barney in the next sale.

    I loved this sale and got many of the character/items I was waiting for. Only problem now is that I have so many questlines waiting to be completed!

    • For the freemium players who do a great job in saving donuts earned, my only advice is to spend them on cheap/sale discounted Buildings that come with a character, or characters. Should never really part donuts for a decoration that gives a little % more cash/exp on jobs earnt.
      Here’s why: cash & exp is a normal thing earnt just by logging on and doing your usual thing.
      Characters however make that money/exp, have side missions but more importantly, they become the extra numbers needed to assist with events/tasks, that’s one thing a decoration will NEVER do.

      That’s just a tip from me, enjoy your game & have fun

      • I love my apple and orange tree! Already made back 5 doughnuts (half the price I paid for a tree) from monorail this week so I think it was a good buy. But I get your point, I never usually buy decorations with my freemium doughnuts. 🙂

        • I got them, too! It’s very Animal Crossing, gotta collect them all. I have the lemon tree, plum and the newest being apple and orange. Now I just need some coconuts (do they exist?) and the ability to collect fallen fruit. Well, maybe I should just go play AC. lol!

  24. Expecting the Christmas event to hit in a couple of days. We’ll see if it’s an evening update like last year. Would be nice to have a Hannukah part to it with Krusty’s dad as an added prize or an option to buy. Really hoping for Maggie to arrive but we’ll see what EA has in store for her arrival. With all the buzz going on of people wanting her in the game, I’m sure she’ll arrive at some point.

  25. Added KrustyLu and the unfinished shed to my Springfield. Gonna save those donuts until next sale now.

    Anyone have design suggestions on how to mock up additional monorail stations? I want to create some local stops to go with the big three terminals, and I don’t think I have enough leftover stairs/platforms to do as many as I want. Is there anything else that might work?

    • I picked up Krustylu and Mel too. Nice addition to the whole TV/Radio section of town plus a great character to boot.

      Until now, I never thought of a good use for those excessive station add-ons. Most of them didn’t seem to fit at all. Now you’ve given me some ideas.

    • Modern mansions and/or the mini-buildings unlocked with them (like modern middle or possibly side buildings)

    • I’ve built two substations for each terminal from the extra parts. And the modular pieces from the modern mansion are pretty versatile. Other things of note, the rooves of the purple/yellow balcony piece and of the Zenith City apartment building are the perfect height for the monorail.

  26. Handsome B. Wonderful

    Who do you think we get first in the game

    A) Maggie
    B) Lionel Hutz
    C) Bleeding Gums
    D) Joey Jojo Junior Shabadoo

    • With Christmas and Hanukah coming I also hope Rabbi K., (will Santa return this year?)

      But to answer your questIon I want to say “A” but the way things are going I’m suspecting “D” (then again I always suspect “D”… Let’s see if that makes someone giggle)

      • Heh, I picked D also, but growing up the golden rule was usually, at least when it comes to multiple choice, when in doubt pick C. Although I want Maggie like most of us do, I want BG Murphy just as much.

    • Knowing EA, my bet is on option D, although I would much prefer Maggie and Bleeding Gums in my game, even if its the ghost of Bleeding Gums like they did for other character(s)

    • E) None of the above

      • I agree. Maggie’s a baby and BGM has been dead for a long time. I might be wrong but I suspect those are 2 characters we will never see in game.

        • Don’t get me wrong. I’d LOVE to see them in the game. But I agree with your assessment.

        • I wouldn’t be too sure about Maggie. Seems like Marge has just recently received another 8hr job which would allow separate use of her and a fully playable Maggie.

  27. Just won 50 donuts on a golden scratcher, and got another from visiting Handsome Hank, who has Santa’s sleigh flying around, 🍩🍩🍩 very christmassy 🎄

    Can’t wait to see if she stops by, it’s bedtime here, ….take care everyone 💤 💤till tomorrow


  28. still monitoring this? Not sure why my earlier post has not shown up

  29. I didn’t have enough donuts last year to buy anything on Black Friday, but I saved up for Halloween this year, even though there turned out to be no good characters to buy (I would have bought Kodos, but crafted her instead!) For Black Friday I have bought the Cracker Factory with Luann, Dr. Nick, and the Happy Sumo with Akira. I was really hoping the Community Center and Jasper would be available, as I have two outfits for him sitting in my inventory.

  30. I want Lindsay Naegle!!!

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