Daily Archives: April 17, 2020

Friday Filler – Thank Grog It’s…Wait…What Day Is It?

Thank Grog It’s Firday!

I don’t know about you, but recent events have definitely put the “Grog” in my Firday!

I have to admit…never in a zillion years would I have thought that Reality actually makes the dialogue in our silly game seem tame, sober, and even a tad boring by comparison. Watching the news any night, is like turning on a “B-Rate Horror Film” in the middle, and then realizing that the chocolate covered raisins you bought at the snack bar, aren’t chocolate covered at all.  I’ll let your imagination fill in the blanks.

Here in Lane County, Oregon…the home of the REAL SPRINGFIELD, we are in a weird bubble that we hope stays in place…but all continue to be touched in real time by the insanity of other parts of the country. We are distracted by the fact that we probably don’t really even NEED distracting. Which is weird…knowing that my East Coast family and friends are suffering in an entirely different reality.

It makes writing about a silly mobile game seem almost sinful.  But, I know my “duty” here is to distract… So, I will do my best to do so.
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Simpsons Wrestling: Turbo Tappin’ Act 2, The Springfield Flimflam

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Round 2 of Simpsons Wrestling is upon us!

As we’ve send previously, the Simpsons Wrestling Event follows the same event structure of the Multi-Events before it.  This event consists of 4 parts (or Acts), with each part lasting just over a week (10 days) and taking us through a new part of the event!

For Act 2 we’re tasked with collecting folding chairs!  Each part of the story will unlock another prize themed for the second part of the story, Aristotle backstabbing Burns (no shocker there!).  So let’s take a look at the details behind Act 2 and the Turbo Tappin’ Version for The Springfield Flimflam…

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Simpsons Wrestling Act 2 Is Live!

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

It’s officially 10am here on the East Coast, and that means Act 2 of the Simpsons Wrestling is live in Springfield!

Things kick off for Act 2 with some dialogue between Brockman and the Wrestlers…

Kent Brockman: With the undercards complete, it’s time for the main event: SEW’s Iron Yuppie vs. Springfield’s own… Captain Flag!
Iron Yuppie: I’m going to burn that American Flag!
Captain Flag: That’s “Captain” Flag to you, hippie!
Kent Brockman: The two men are grappling… ooo, there’s a Powerbomb… a Camel Clutch… and a Brainbuster…! As expected, Captain Flag is putting the finishing touches on the villainous Masked Yuppie — but wait…
Burns: What’s happening?! No-no-no-NOOOOOOOOO!

This triggers the Act 2 questline, The Springfield Flimflam, and is followed by 4hr tasks for Captain Flag and Burns, as well as a task to collect Act 2 Currency (225).  The Springfield Flimflam is the questline that will take you through unlocking all of the Act 2 prizes.

Let’s take a look at what else is in store during Act 2…

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