Daily Archives: February 2, 2015

Tapped Out Premium Walkthroughs: French Waiter & Princess Kashmir

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Way back during the 2014 Halloween Event (doesn’t it feel like forever ago we were squishing aliens?) EA dropped Level 47 onto our tapping devices!  Level 47 introduced two all new premium characters, Princess Kashmir and the French Waiter!

While we’ve had the Turbo Tappin’ walkthrough up since Level 47 hit, for both characters, we thought now would be a fun time to take a look back at all of the fun dialogue you might have missed while tappin’…or just to relive all the fun again!

As we mentioned in the Level 47 rundown post the French Waiter will cost you 50 donuts and Princess Kashmir will cost you 175 donuts.  Once purchased and placed in your Springfield their questlines will start right up!  And if you purchase Princess K and have Freddy…you’ll get the bonus info on just what happened with Freddy that night!

So now….let’s get this walkthrough going, shall we?!

French Waiter Clumsily Hurt Himself 3 Princess Kashmir

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WABAC Where Did THAT Come From: Carved Ice Sculpture & Weather Station

Hey howdy hey Addicts! In the steady grind of tapping in the free world, we sometimes see decorations and buildings and take them for granted. While this is understandable, we may not realize that a great majority of items in TSTO actually come from the amazing show the game is based on. With that in mind, Bunny and I aim to periodically provide you the origin info for decorations and buildings we missed, ignored or haven’t covered yet. Time is a fickle thing (timey wimey even) and as Einstein said, “The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.” There’s often not enough time in the TSTO continuum to do origins for everything, but while we have some, we’ve called on Mr. Peabody to help us along. We’re using his WABAC (pronounced way back) Machine to go back in TSTO time. With that premise, we bring you WABAC WDTCF (Where Did THAT Come From). This particular journey is for the Carved Ice Sculpture and Weather station.

Carved Ice Sculpture TSTO imageTapped_Out_Weather_Station Continue reading

Hey Addicts, Caption This!

Sometimes TSTO gives us humorous little moments when we capture our characters doing rather strange things.  These posts are all about those strange and funny moments! Twice a week we’ll be posting a Caption This! moment where we want you, the Addicts readers, to put on your writing caps and come up with what you think is happening in the screenshot. Post your captions in the comments below. We can’t wait to see how creative and funny you guys can be!

Hey Addicts… Caption This!
(This week’s Caption This image was submitted by Addicts reader Emilie Z)

If you’ve got an image you’d like to submit for a “Caption this!” post, email it to us at TSTOAddictsblog@gmail.com or post it on the Addicts Flickr page, you never know when yours might be next!