Daily Archives: December 18, 2016

Addicts Open Thread

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

It’s that time of the week again, time for the Addicts Weekly Open Thread!  So, let’s get the conversation going!  Oh and remember…just because this is posted here today doesn’t mean you can’t comment on it all week long.  This open thread will still be open for comments long after today is over!

Here’s where you can talk about anything you want to talk about…TSTO Related, Simpson’s Related or ANYTHING.  Just no Add me requests…those should go here.  We’ll give you a few suggestions (like most Sunday’s you can talk about the current episode of the Simpsons) but for the most part you’re free to talk about ANYTHING your little Tapping Fingers desire…just keep it PG.

So, here is your Open Thread…..

No new episodes of The Simpsons this week, but be sure to vote in our Christmas Episode Ranking Poll

Winter Event Act 2 hit earlier this morning, what are your thoughts so far on the new prizes and game changes?

Only 1 week until Christmas (and less than that until the start of Hanukkah)!!!!  Have you finished your shopping yet?!

How was your weekend?  Do anything fun and exciting?  I’ve finished my shopping, and almost all the wrapping (still waiting on a handful of items to come in).  Today we’re planning on making Christmas cookies and watching the best Christmas Movie (or any movie really), It’s a Wonderful Life. (I should note that yesterday we also watched Christmas Vacation (classic) and the Veggie Tales version of It’s a Wonderful Life, Riley enjoy the dancing veggies 😉 )

So chat about the Simpsons, TSTO, Update fun, or anything else you can think of!  Can’t wait to chat with you all, you know we love hearing from you!

Have Fun!  And happy Sunday!


Winter 2016 Act 2 is Live!

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Welcome to the wee early morning hours…at least here on the East Coast and Act 2 of the Winter Event is upon us….so have at it my friends!

Remember…this is an automatic change in your game.  Nothing to download, it should just start up in your game..

Lisa will start this for you with dialogue between her and Willie.  This will be followed by two 6s tasks, one for Lisa and then one for Homer.  You’ll then unlock a new skin for Willie, and that’ll be followed by a 12hr task for Lovejoy, 1hr task for Willie, and 3 Anti Pagans.

Act 2 runs until December 30th

Just what does Act 2 have in store for us?  Let’s take a look…pagan-homer-winter-2016

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