Daily Archives: December 7, 2018

Friday Filler – Knowing When a Problem is rEAlly a Problem

I’m not really sure why the outcry from this event hit me so hard.  I’m not usually one to react emotionally about comments on this blog. But, this time…well…I admit that I lost it.

I mean...really lost it.  Like throwing the phone across the room, lost it. I mean, the kind of lost it that makes people step away…far away…until you settle down and stop laying on the floor, in a quivering mass…

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Christmas 2018 Prize Guide: Act 1, Prizes 1 and 2 Hot Roasted Chestnuts Cart & Christmas Carousel

Ho Ho Ho Holiday Tappers!

Bust out the tinsel and be sure to hang those stockings by the chimney with care because Christmas time is in the air! That’s right my friends, Christmas (and snow, lots and lots of snow) has hit our pocket-sized towns!

This year EA is trying something different, as I’ve laid out in this post, in that Christmas 2018 consists of multi-events.  Basically, the Simpson family will host four stories to be told over the course of December with a new story releasing each week.  As we’re taken through each story a series of prizes are released to correspond with the theme of the story.  For Week 1, Act 1, we’re following a Pageant tale by Lisa, and the prizes we unlock all fit into the Pageant theme.

So let’s take a look at the first two prizes this week, the Hot Roasted Chestnuts Cart and the Christmas Carousel…

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Should I Spend Donuts On Cirque De Puree and the Circus Acrobat?

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Grab your Santa hats and break out the tinsel because it’s Christmas time in Springfield! Yes the annual TSTO Christmas event has arrived in our pocket-sized towns, covering our usual perfect weather towns with a fresh blanket of bright, white, snow!   Of course, by now, we all know that a new event means a new excuse for EA to fill our stores with limited-time premium items to tempt us.

As we all know, that limited-time label can tempt us to grab everything in sight because it’ll be gone soon.  But don’t sweat it!  That’s where we come in to tell you what’s worth those donuts and what you might want to hold off on.

Wondering if you should add Cirque De Puree and the Circus Acrobat to your Springfield?  Well before you hit that confirm button let’s break down the pros and cons of adding this high flying duo to your town…

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Simpson’s Chistmas Special Event – Calendar and Math to Get It ALL!

OK.  So…yes…it has been mentioned several times that I was “off the hook” in regards to having to do a calendar.  However,  with all of the INSANE grousing about the event being different, it seems best to lay it all out for you in a familiar format… so you can CHILLAX!!

Let’s cover a couple of basic things…again. 

1.  You WILL get a ton of land tiles over the course of this event.
2. You are going to get a TON of FREE Stuff…including a couple of characters and some pretty cool decorations.
3. You are going to be able to GET IT ALL… waaaaay easier than before, as well as have the chance to purchase a ton of items with game cash…IF YOU FOLLOW THIS CALENDAR AND DO THIS….
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