Daily Archives: July 24, 2020

New Update: Summer Games 2020 Mini-Event Rundown

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

First of all, thank you Safi for getting a basic event rundown post up for me!  Really appreciate the help!  Guys, like I said yesterday…work is CRAZY for me right now.  Trying to balance it all has been….interesting.  So grateful to have Safi back me up!

Anywho, who had mini-event release on Friday for the win?   It is 2020.  The year where nothing seems to make sense.  And it’s peek 2020 that EA would release a mini-event on a Friday afternoon.  Especially one that, according to the game files, was supposed to be released on Wednesday.  That’s 2020 for you…

So to get started on this mini-event you’ll need to download the update in the app store.  This update will remove the Game of Games 2 Splash Screen from your game, and bring in the Summer Games 2020 files.

Basement, eh… 🤔

Once you’ve downloaded the newest update you should see the dialogue launch right up for this mini-event.  (Quimby kicks off the dialogue)

Note: You will need to be, at least, on Level 15 for this to start.

What’s included with this event?  Let’s take a look….

Note: You’ll need Mayor Quimby free for an hour to kick this off

Summer Games 2020 Mini-Event Ends August 5th

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New Update: Summer Games (200th Update for Tapped Out)!

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Well, it’s Friday afternoon and Alissa is busy at work,…so of course EA is going to choose now to drop the new mini-event update!  Yes, an all-new mini-event has hit our games, so let’s check out what’s in store for us this time…

It’s almost time for the 2020 Summer Olympics, so why not have a Summer Olympic Event!  Remember to download the app store update if you haven’t already done so.  You won’t see this mini-event until you’ve downloaded the update.  And if you don’t see the update available try these steps:  Hard close your App store, clear your cache, restart your device.  When it reboots, open your app store and search Tapped Out.

What’s included with this event?  Let’s take a look….

The event starts with some funny dialogue from Mayor Quimby, Miss Springfield, and Kent Brockman discussing the postponement of the 2020 Summer Olympics.

Note: You’ll need Mayor Quimby free for a one hour task to kick things off. 

Summer Games 2020 Mini-Event  (ends August 5th)

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Friday Filler- EA Confidential – In Bob’s Own Words

Thank Grog It’s Firday!

I admit readily that I have not been remotely “normal” over the past couple of weeks.  We are in “Full Jake Immersion” mode, and there is nothing as wonderfully distracting than hanging out with your two-year-old-never-sits-still, grandson. Deb joined me after a week of dealing with her Dad’s hospice, and is the first to admit there is no better way to deal with the end of a life, than immersing oneself in the beginning stages of another.

And I also admit that my storytelling is easily taken off of the rails when writing during patches between laying rails, and running trains, and taking walks, and playing ball, and swimming (feet in a kiddie pool or backyard water slide), or endless snacks….well…you get it.

It occurred to me that most of the obfuscation in my tale, was simply me trying to tell you what “Bob” said, through my own filter.  And the the most efficient, and honest way to tell the rest of the story, is simply to use his own words (to the best of my recollection, through a haze of Lemon Drops consumed over hours of conversation).

So, that is what I am going to do.  Just let “Bob” take it from here...with a tad bit of my questions inserted to keep things on track…which reminds me…I need to find the other switch track so we can build that side spur on Jake’s layout…
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