3/5/14- In Game Update: Episode Tie-In (Updated and complete)

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers,

Little update just hit our games everyone.  Working through the details now but you’ll need Homer free to complete the first task! 🙂

Milhouse kicks off the Episode-Tie in with dialogue, so make sure he’s free.

More details as we go through them.

Get to tap tap tapping!

UPDATE 2:45pm EST: Ok guys sorry this info took so long to get out.  Having issues with my phone wanting to cooperate!  Anyway double episode Sunday means 2 part Episode Tie-In.

Part 1 should auto-start between Homer and Lisa.  This is a 3 part quest-line where you’ll need to have Homer, Lisa AND Cletus free to complete.  Ending with a new item to grow on Cletus’s farm.

Part 2 will start after you tap Milhouse.  A dialogue will pop up between Milhouse and Bart.  No quests with this, but at the end you’ll be given the option to buy a new premium (NP) character.

So to quickly recap…with out giving away any spoilers….Part 1 will give you a new item to grow on Cletus’s farm and Part 2 will give you the option to purchase a new NPC for donuts.  

Not much too this Episode-Tie in…in fact it’s a little disappointing.  BUT nevertheless more details, including spoilers, below the fold.  

Freedom: New premium character (non-playable)- 40 donuts (Limited-Time):

GMO Pomato: New crop on Cletus’s Farm.  Takes 4hrs and costs $80.  Rewards $225, 25xp

Part 1 Between Homer & Lisa:

I Say Pomato, You Say Pomahto Pt. 1
Should Auto-start

Lisa: Ugh, I hate March.  There’s nothing at the Farmer’s Market except fried dough and figurines carved from last year’s gourds.
Homer: Cheer up.  “March Madness” is coming, by which I mean my behavior on St. Patrick’s Day.
Lisa: Is it so much to ask to fresh, locally sourced vegetables in middle of winter?
Homer: Yes.  Yes, I’d say it is so much to ask.
Lisa: Well, I don’t care.  I’m going to keep loudly and annoyingly demanding what I want until I get it. (note from Alissa: gee this sounds familiar!  EA trying to tell us something?)
Homer: You are wise in the ways of parental manipulation.  I’ll go see if Cletus has any of these…uh…what are they called again?
Lisa: Vegetables?
Homer: Eew!  Yeah, those.
Reach Level 6 and Build Cletus’s Farm
Make Homer Visit Cletus’s Farm- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp

I Say Pomato, You Say Pomahto Pt. 2
Cletus Starts

Cletus: Welcome to Spuckler Farms, your source for hupcaps, questionable fireworks from Mexico, and roasted varmint parts.
Homer: Two possum drumsticks and i squirrel tail for me.  Are you growing any fresh vegetables for my daughter?
Cletus: Sorry, but the main thing we farm here is government disability pensions.  Every new young’un pretty much guarantees us another couple hunnerd a month.  Double if he’s got a actual tail.  Which they mostly do.
Homer: Yea, it’s great to be on of America’s takers.  But no vegetables, huh?
Cletus: Well, now that you mention it, a MYSTERIOUS SCIENTIST done come by last week and give us a big bag of seeds.  Said they was genetically modified hybrid of potatoes and tomatoes that’d grow anywhere, any season, and cut the time to make potato-tomato salad in half!
Region CaptureHarvest GMO Pomatoes– Costs $80, Takes 4hrs, Earns $225, 25XP

I Say Pomato, You Say Pomahto Pt. 3
Homer starts

Homer: Lisa, I’ve done something unusual – I’ve satisfied your request.  Here, a bag of farm fresh “pomatoes”.  Half potato, half tomato, all delicious.
Lisa: Uh, you don’t mind if I run them through my “Li’l Forensic Scientist” DNA kit do you?
Homer: Take your time.  I’ve got a crate of Mexican Fireworks and Flanders’ lawn ornaments to blow up.  I’m set for hours.
Make Lisa Investigate Pomatoes- 24hrs, Earns $600, 150xp
Make Homer Pass the Time- 
24hrs, Earns $600, 150xp
Lisa: Well, Dad, those pomatoes are total legit…if you ignore the fact that they contain DNA from a combination of at least 15 different mammals, fish and birds!
Homer: That explains their delightfully horsey aftertaste.
Lisa: We should also check under the sofas and in the closets, because I’m pretty sure I saw one sprout little legs and run away.  Stil, GMO foods may be the only hope for our generation to survive the messed-up planet your generation is bequeathing us.
Homer: Bless sweet death for saving me from having to live through your awful future.

Region Capture1 Region Capture2

Part 2 Between Milhouse and Bart…unlocks the option to Buy Freedom

After tapping on Milhouse

Milhouse: Bart, I’m worried about this text message you sent me.
Bart: I said I was looking for a new pet.  So what?
Milhouse: But I thought I was your favorite pet!  Your little pet Milhouse who’s so great because he cleans up his own poops.  Mostly.
Bart: Milhouse for the last time try and remember you’re a human.  I meant an ANIMAL pet, something dangerous and exciting.
Milhouse: Like a gerbil in a ball?  Oh boy!  Just imagine the thrill of not knowing where he’ll roll next!
Bart: Sure.  You get your gerbil.  I’m getting the animal that dives from the sky at Mach 1 and eats your gerbil.

Region Capture3

And that’s it Tappers.  That’s all there is to the Episode Tie-in update.

What do YOU think of this little update?  Will you be spending the donuts to get Freedom?  Do you like having a new option for plants on Cletus’s Farm?  Will YOU be watching the double-episode on Sunday?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

All original art and content © Up All Night, LLC and TSTOAddicts.com
All Screen Shots of Game Graphics & Dialogue and Game Graphics from files ™ and © EA, Gracie Films and FOX

115 responses to “3/5/14- In Game Update: Episode Tie-In (Updated and complete)

  1. When I saw ” new NPC” I thought Non-Premium Content…boohoo

  2. Does freedom fly around or walk like the turkey??

    • Both. He waddles around, but when you tap it either screeches and flies around for a bit or chirps and flies around for a bit.

  3. so now we can have 2 birds that are NPC. not sure about this other. i already stored the other. seems like storage is getting more action than the game

  4. WHOO hoo! New content! Unfortunately Homer is on a task and won’t be done for three hours.

  5. Speaking about quick clearing crops. I believe that I have discovered a new “feature” with regards to Cletus’ Farm.

    I do not have the particulars down, because I know that the floppy-eared one is just retentive enough to so that for me.

    So, if you assign Marge the Witch to Speed-Up a crop AND there is less than 4 hours to complete a crop (that takes more than 4 hours to grow), THEN you travel to Krustyland, and then back – the crop will be completed early!

    Now, if you try to grow another crop, Marge the Witch will still be there – but it doesn’t change the grow time on this new crop.

    HOWEVER, if you collect the first crop, and then store and retrieve Marge (as well as Moe and Moe’s Tavern), you can grow a new crop and assign Marge again!

    How’s that for complicated! We will call this the Cguy’s Patented Quick Crop Concoction (well, until EA fixes it).

    • WanderingCaveman

      Thanks for the tip, Cguy. I just tried this in my town and it worked. I had 40 minutes left growing Silvertongue, sent Marge to speed up crops, then went to Krustyland. When I returned to Springfield the Silvertongue was ready to harvest.

    • Me? Retentive? Pssssh. Says Mr. Numbers n Info Calculator Man. 😉

  6. I download the update and have all bart, milhouse, lisa, homer, cletus free and nothing start and I am level 27

    • Did you try to log out, restart your device, then log back in? I had to on my phone and tablet to trigger the Update to start. Let me know if it works 😉

  7. Okay, now the new friends interface thingy that you scroll through your friends with, is not working…was just about to delete someone, now I can’t…

  8. esmeestmor250

    I got corn growing…. oh well.

  9. I am about 15 days into growing corn should I store the farm to clear the corn or will it do like it did for V-day. Or can I wait till its done and finish the tasks? This will be the 3rd time I have tried to grow corn just to have it interrupted by an update task.

  10. WOOKIEE…!!!…*shakes fist in the air*…I’ll see you in carbonite!!!

  11. What exactly does the hawk do? Just soar around Springfield?

  12. When the rumors surfaced about new crops arriving at the Cletus farm, I purposely decided to plant corn in hopes that we would get a fast pass on the corn growth time like during the Valentines update when we needed to plant rosebushes. Has anybody seen if this will happen again?

  13. Yes I’ll buy the hawk sucker for anything avian.

  14. I got the update but the quest is not launching, even though I have Lisa, Homer, and Millhouse all free. Have re-started my device, visited Krustyland, visited friends, etc.

  15. Sweet, a 4 hour task for the farm! Now if they could get a 4hr task for Ralphie and Brandine!

  16. Yay new stuff to work on before i return to the corner and site the “Clown’ll eat me” mantra!! 🙂

  17. Yeah, I am somewhat disappointed that we didn’t get something we can place in our towns (building/character/decoration/costume). Although, I have been frustrated that I don’t have a 4hr crop for when I send my characters on 4hr tasks, so I guess I can’t complain about that anymore.

  18. What about the St Patricks day mention by Lisa?? Oh, the anticipation!!

  19. A wee surprise for us a bonus just need homer to finish his 24 hour task. Still trying to melt snow when it all disappeared months ago.

  20. I just sent Cletus out to grow triffids!!!! Ooooh noooo!!!

  21. WanderingCaveman

    40 donuts for a bird… Just what I need, another tiny hard to see animal wandering around my Springfield…
    But, but it’s limited time…. Curse you EA and your clever manipulation of my donut spending. -.-
    (Yes, I bought the bird)

    • mikeharrisjr11

      LMAO I thought the same thing . I have resisted the stupid bird thus far. I’m against turkey vs falcon violence.

  22. This update gives me the dreaded “No room on device” message but I have over a gig free. Trying a reinstall now.

  23. CentralCali559

    Why did I give homer a 12 hr task this morning?!? Well I guess I’ll wait until 9pm. 9 more hrs to go :/

  24. Whoop whoop! Had a feeling something was gonna hit today so kept everyone free, think it *might* be st paddy’s and a episode tie in from the dialogue we get, but not sure. 😀

  25. the update killed the widget that let you set tasks up in the left hand corner.back to hunting them all down one by one 😛

  26. The Tie-in Quest is called “I Say Pomato, You Say Pomahto Pt. 1” Where Homer needs to visit Cletus

    • Yup. All the info coming. Its a 3 parter that will continue on Sunday with new episode.

      Milhouse n Barts is super short.

      Lots to look for on Sunday.

  27. Lisa kicks off the dialogue in mine…

  28. It appears the update wiped my righteousness rating? From 5 stars to zero. Closing & reopening the game hasn’t resolved it yet… Hope it’s just a glitch soon to be fixed. 🙂

    • It can be normal for conform to be effected by a new update. Just go tapping Sideshow and clean some graffiti a lil bit or put up some training walls and it should return.

  29. Wooo! I’m more excited than I should be! haha

  30. PewPewShazaam

    I hope it’s to fix the overlap bug

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