Daily Archives: August 28, 2020

Friday Filler – When is Enough, Really Enough, and When Is It Just Hoarding?

Thank Grog It’s Firday!

Well…as you may or may not remember,  a year ago I started a massive remodel of our house, with almost top to bottom remaking of the kitchen, two bathrooms, and flooring throughout the entire first floor main living area (family room, kitchen, bathroom, dining room, living room, stairs).

I have done all of the work myself…and with everything that has gone on during that year, find myself a bit awe-struck that I am not actually done yet (I still have an entire back deck tear apart and rebuild). But, then again, as I have also found out, once you start remodeling, and your wife is the primary “contractor” and you are “the worker,” you are never really done. All of the new, makes any of the old look shabby by comparison. And, even worse, that damn HGTV channel is still on the air, giving “the contractor” more ideas.

But, absolutely the worst part…is the massive land fill that now must be hauled off in a dumpster, along with decisions on what to do with the rest.  Clutter…thy name is Patric.  I admit it. I hate to throw away anything.

AND, to the point of this post…WE FACE THE SAME DECISIONS IN TSTO.  “Keep…store…or sell.” 
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The Van Houtens Act 2 Full Dialogue: Sidekicked Aside

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

First, a very special Happy Birthday to the baby Addict!  He’s officially 2 today!  Dang that went fast!

Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming…

IMPORTANT NOTE: Act 3 is slated to start SUNDAY, August 30thAct 2 (and Act 1 for that matter) isn’t going anywhere, so if you didn’t finish it you’ll still have time to. Look for Act 3 to start around 11am ET.  (1500 UTC)
You’ll need Bart and Milhouse free for the first round of tasks (and those earning event currency).  Also, 1 new premium character combo will be released.  150 donuts for the combo.

Now on with the full dialogue for Act 2…

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