Daily Archives: May 25, 2018

Friday Filler – When Life Gives You Lemons…Dealing With Glitches

Thank Grog It’s Firday!!

I mean it. Sheesh! What a week.

This is the kind of week that requires you to have some perspective…and maybe make hard choices…and adapt.  Or, if you choose to really internalize and personalize the situation, just “break up,” and walk away.

Neither solution is ideal.  But, then again…life is like that. Especially when you start to get older, and life throws you curve balls that you weren’t counting on. The lesson here? Adapt, perish, or walk away.

Wait…are we still talking about the game? Oh. Right. Yes. The Game, and the multiple glitches that are becoming more and more prevalent.

Let’s take a look at the options you have…not just as a player, but as a person.
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SPOILER ALERT!! Next Event Info

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Some exciting news…

We’ve been working behind the scenes for the last couple of weeks to get on track with a new program EA has launched in conjunction with bloggers and TSTO community leaders (ie ourselves, the forums etc).  With this program, EA plans to give those community leaders a sneak peek at event content and info so that we can share some of the details with you!

We’re thrilled to be working with EA anyway we can to bring you guys as much info as possible!

We’re all under NDA, so please bear with us as we can’t share EVERYTHING we know until EA tells us we can (which is usually how we operate anyway).  But they have given us the green light to release some basic info about the next event.

So no more guessing, we now know WHEN the next event will start and WHAT the next event will cover!  Pretty exciting stuff huh? 

So I know there are a bunch of you who like to remain spoiler free (and this, to me, will not violate our spoiler-free policy as this is information provided to us directly from EA.  They’re giving us the go-ahead to share…) I’ll post the WHAT below the fold. However, I will say the next event will start (as we predicted earlier this week) on Wednesday, May 30th.

So be prepared on Wednesday, May 30th for the event launch

Now on with the spoilers…


Should I Spend Donuts on the Cayman Island Banker?

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

We’ve got a little teaser going on in Springfield right now…as EA has released a few teases for the next event into our games.  Of course, there’s a premium item in stores tempting you to drop those sprinkles before the next event launches.

As we all know, that limited-time label can tempt us to grab everything in sight because it’ll be gone soon.  But don’t sweat it!  That’s where we come in to tell you what’s worth those donuts and what you might want to hold off on.

Wondering if you should add the Cayman Island Banker to your Springfield?  Well before you hit that confirm button let’s break down the pros and cons of adding this banker to your town…

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