Daily Archives: August 18, 2013

Should I Spend Donuts on Planet Hype?

Wondering if you should add Planet Hype to your Squidport?   Well before you hit that confirm button, lets break down the Pros and Cons of adding Planet Hype to your boardwalk

TSTO Planet Hype
Building Name: Planet Hype
Donut Price: 150 Donuts
Dimensions: 5×10
Payout: $300 & 30xp every 12hours
Return on Investment: $2.00/.200XP /Donut Spent
-Unlocks an additional Task for Wolfcastle
-1 of only 2 restaurants on the boardwalk.
-Neat animation, when Wolfcastle is there.
-A bit expensive for the payout.
-Only Wolfcastle has a task there
-It’s quite large for the boardwalk, and when space is limited it can be tough to fit in.
Final: If you’re a big Wolfcastle fan this is a great addition to the game, even if you’re not a big Wolfcastle fan. It is a bit pricey though, so if you’re looking for a better bang for your donuts you may want to wait on Planet Hype and go with another building.

Wondering About Other Premium Items?  Check out our Ultimate Premium Guide

Wookieecorp brings you… Milhouse

Welcome back to the next edition of How-Tos from your hairy friends at Wookieecorp.  Today’s installment is Milhouse.  For Simpsons lovers, he is usually one of the least favorite characters from the show but even those that love to hate him respect his turn as Fallout Boy.  Like must sidekicks, I imagine that he wishes to someday take over the boots of his favorite caped crusader… The one and only Radioactive Man.  I chose this image mainly because I wanted to play around with color and the red mailboxes seemed perfect for this.

Here is the image I chose:

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Should I Spend Donuts on the Ferris Wheel?

Wondering if you should add the Ferris Wheel to your Squidport?   Well before you hit that confirm button, lets break down the Pros and Cons of adding the Ferris Wheel to your boardwalk.

TSTO Squidport Ferriswheel
Building Name: Ferris Wheel
Donut Price: 120 Donuts
Dimensions: 5×10
Payout: $260 & 26xp every 10hours
Conform-O-Meter: Consumerism +10
Return on Investment: $2.17/.217XP/Donut Spent
-Relatively small so fits nicely on your boardwalk
-Unlocks a rate 10 hour task for Mr. Burns (Smither’s is required as well)
-Good return for the investment.
-Only Mr. Burns has a task for the Ferris Wheel
-Space is limited on Squidport with how long it takes for tiles to be produced, you may want to wait and save the space for the required items.
Final: Personally I think the Ferris Wheel is a great addition to Squidport. What boardwalk is complete without some rides? If you can swing it I say go for it and get the Ferris Wheel. It has a decent pay out and includes a task for a regular character.

Wondering About Other Premium Items?  Check out our Ultimate Premium Guide

Should I Spend Donuts on Mount Krustmore?

Wondering if you should add Mount Krustmore to your Krustyland?   Well before you hit that confirm button, lets break down the Pros and Cons of adding the ride to your Krustyland…

TSTO Mount Krustmore
Ride/Building Name: Mount Krustmore
Donut Price: 150 Donuts
Dimensions: 12×13
Payout: 120 tickets/40xp every 24hours
Return on Investment: 1.25tickets/.266XP /Donut Spent
-A Krustyland Attraction that earns tickets, and can be used fairly early in the Krustyland quest to earn tickets before other rides are built.
-6 second build, so no long wait before you can start earning tickets
-It’s a little pricey.
Final: At 150 donuts this is a fairly decent rate for the tickets it’ll produce. Plus, since Krustyland is still in its early stages, there aren’t that many attractions. This makes a great addition if you can swing the donut price. Not to mention it’s the only rollercoaster in the park until the very last quest task (Build the Tooth Chipper).

Wondering About Other Premium Items?  Check out our Ultimate Premium Guide

Which Premium Decorations Should I Spend Donuts On? Krustyland Edition

Premium decorations do not generate income, instead they produce a “premium decoration bonus”. There is no maximum to the bonus amount , and you can purchase as many premium items as you like. Each purchase helps contribute extra cash and XP percentages to your income generating buildings & tasks. (note: in order for the decorations to give you a bonus they must be out in your town, they cannot be in your inventory)
This version of the premium guide will be a little different than the building and character guides, in that the Pros and Cons won’t be listed for each decoration. Instead this is more a guide as to which decoration will provide you with the most return in both your Conform-O-Meter & in the bonus multiplier. Use this to best maximize the earning potential of your town.

Should I Spend Donuts On This?
Premium Décor- Krustyland

KL Clown Can
Decoration: Clown Garbage Can
Donut Price: 15 Donuts
Bonus: 0%
Bonus% Per Donut Spent: 0% per donut spent
Conform-o-Meter Points: Kitsch +25

kl fountain
Decoration: Krusty Fountain
Donut Price: 100 Donuts
Bonus: 0%
Bonus% Per Donut Spent: 0% per donut spent
Conform-o-Meter Points: Kitsch +175

KL wackamole
Decoration: Wack-A-Mole
Donut Price: 50 Donuts
Bonus: 0%
Bonus% Per Donut Spent: 0% per donut spent
Conform-o-Meter Points: Merch +20

Looking for Springfield Premium Decorations?  You can find them here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Looking for Squidport Premium Decorations? You can find them here: Squidport

Which Premium Decorations Should I Spend Donuts On? Squidport Edition

Premium decorations do not generate income, instead they produce a “premium decoration bonus”. There is no maximum to the bonus amount , and you can purchase as many premium items as you like. Each purchase helps contribute extra cash and XP percentages to your income generating buildings & tasks. (note: in order for the decorations to give you a bonus they must be out in your town, they cannot be in your inventory)
This version of the premium guide will be a little different than the building and character guides, in that the Pros and Cons won’t be listed for each decoration. Instead this is more a guide as to which decoration will provide you with the most return in both your Conform-O-Meter & in the bonus multiplier. Use this to best maximize the earning potential of your town.

Should I Spend Donuts On This?
Premium Décor- Squidport

Decoration: Popcorn Stand
Donut Price: 10 Donuts
Bonus: 0.25%
Bonus% Per Donut Spent: 0.025% per donut spent
Conform-o-Meter Points:Gluttony +10

Decoration: Hot Dog Stand
Donut Price: 20 Donuts
Bonus: 0.5%
Bonus% Per Donut Spent: 0.025% per donut spent
Conform-o-Meter Points: Gluttony +10

Decoration: Basketball Game
Donut Price: 40 Donuts
Bonus: 2%
Bonus% Per Donut Spent: 0.050% per donut spent
Conform-o-Meter Points: Vanity +100

Decoration: Boardwalk Fountain
Donut Price: 75 Donuts
Bonus: 2.75%
Bonus% Per Donut Spent: 0.037% per donut spent
Conform-o-Meter Points: Vanity +1500
*Limited to only 1 Boardwalk Fountain in the game

Looking for Springfield Premium Decorations?  You can find them here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Looking for Krustyland Premium Decorations? You can find them here: Krustyland

Should I Spend Donuts on the Eyeballs of Death?

Wondering if you should add the Eyeballs of Death ride to your Krustyland?   Well before you hit that confirm button, lets break down the Pros and Cons of adding the ride to your Krustyland…

TSTO Krustyland Eyeballs of death
Ride/Building Name: Eyeballs of Death
Donut Price: 100 Donuts
Dimensions: 3×7
Payout: 90 tickets/20xp every 12hours
Return on Investment: .90tickets/.300XP /Donut Spent
-A Krustyland Attraction that earns tickets, and can be used fairly early in the Krustyland quest to earn tickets before other rides are built.
-6 second build, so no long wait before you can start earning tickets
– Cool animation
There really are no Cons for this ride.
Final: At 100 donuts this is a fairly decent rate for the tickets it’ll produce. Plus, since Krustyland is still in its early stages, there aren’t that many attractions. This makes a great addition if you can swing the donut price.

Wondering About Other Premium Items?  Check out our Ultimate Premium Guide

Which Premium Decorations Should I Spend Donuts On? Part 3

Premium decorations do not generate income, instead they produce a “premium decoration bonus”. There is no maximum to the bonus amount , and you can purchase as many premium items as you like. Each purchase helps contribute extra cash and XP percentages to your income generating buildings & tasks. (note: in order for the decorations to give you a bonus they must be out in your town, they cannot be in your inventory)
This version of the premium guide will be a little different than the building and character guides, in that the Pros and Cons won’t be listed for each decoration. Instead this is more a guide as to which decoration will provide you with the most return in both your Conform-O-Meter & in the bonus multiplier. Use this to best maximize the earning potential of your town.

Should I Spend Donuts On This?
Premium Décor Part 3

tsto leftyroadster
Decoration: Left-Handed Roadster
Donut Price: 40 Donuts
Bonus: 2%
Bonus% Per Donut Spent: 0.050% per donut spent
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Which Premium Decorations Should I Spend Donuts On? Part 2

Premium decorations do not generate income, instead they produce a “premium decoration bonus”. There is no maximum to the bonus amount , and you can purchase as many premium items as you like. Each purchase helps contribute extra cash and XP percentages to your income generating buildings & tasks. (note: in order for the decorations to give you a bonus they must be out in your town, they cannot be in your inventory)
This version of the premium guide will be a little different than the building and character guides, in that the Pros and Cons won’t be listed for each decoration. Instead this is more a guide as to which decoration will provide you with the most return in both your Conform-O-Meter & in the bonus multiplier. Use this to best maximize the earning potential of your town.

Should I Spend Donuts On This?
Premium Décor Part 2

TSTO burning bush
Decoration: Burning Bush
Donut Price: 20 Donuts
Bonus: 0.5%
Bonus% Per Donut Spent: 0.025% per donut spent
Conform-o-Meter Points: Tree-hugging +400
Continue reading

How to Calculate Your Bonus Multiplier the Easy Way

Hey Tappers!

One of the best ways to earn cash quickly in TSTO is by buying premium items and keeping your Conform-O-Meter (this starts on the bottom of your screen) high, in doing both of these you’ll earn valuable bonus points which helps the maximize your cash and XP for every rent you collect or task a character completes.  The conformity bonus is a maximum of 5%, so it’s easy to see, but if you have premium decorations in your town, it can be quite difficult to figure out what the bonus impact is–unless of course you love of numbers and calculation!  So you may be wondering,  ‘is there an easy way to work out what my current bonus multiplier is with out all the crazy math?’

If you’re not a math wiz, you’re in luck because there is a way to simply calculate your bonus rate.  The easiest way to do this is to pay attention when you collect your rent at the Gulp ‘n’ Blow. Since the Gulp ‘n’ Blow is the one building in Springfield that earns exactly $100, with out the bonus of course, anything you earn above that is your bonus multiplier.  Example:  You collect $157 at your Gulp ‘n’ Blow, that’s $57 more than the $100 it normally would earn so your bonus multiplier is 57%. 

Now that you know how to easily calculate your bonus multiplier, what is your bonus percentage? 

Happy Tapping!

simpsons tapped out calculate bonus percentage