Daily Archives: November 25, 2013

What Would The Addicts Do: What WOULD We Buy With a 132 Donuts?

To buy or not to buy?  That is a common question facing many Tappers!  TSTO is a “freemium” game, and as such you can completely enjoy the game with out spending a dime of real world money!  But what if you’re looking to invest a little in the game?  What if you see some of those coveted “premium” items in your neighbor-eenos town and you want them in yours?  What do you do?  What do you buy?

With various donut buying options (from $1.99 (for 12) to $99.99 (for 2,400)) it can be hard to decide just what you need…and what you can get for each level.  So, I thought it would be a fun little experiment to see what our writers would buy with various donut purchases.

The first in this series is everyone’s favorite Wookiee and his take on what he WOULD buy witha 132 donuts (or a Tray Full for $9.99).

Let’s take a look at what Wookiee has to say….


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Where did THOSE come from – Thanksgiving Balloons (Part 1)

Hey hey hey Tapperinos!  Wookiee here for more origin story fun and no I’m not here to discuss server issues.  For Thanksgiving, EA brought back the parade balloons from 2012 AND added a few more.

thanksgivingballoonitchy_menu thanksgivingballoonscratchy_menu thanksgivingballoonsantaslittlehelper_menu thanksgivingballoonsnowball2_menu thanksgivingballoonblinky_menu

Once upon a time in TSTO land, we did not have Krustyland and there were no pets running around the town.  For Thanksgiving 2012, EA remedied this by providing us with balloon versions of Santa’s Little Helper, Snowball 2, Itchy & Scratchy and Blinky.  It’s my opinion that we got these to calm the clamor for some of the more popular characters in the game.  Of course, SLH joined the fun during Christmas 2012 and the fight and bight duo appeared like crazy with the Krustyland expansion.

When I think of parade balloons in the Simpsons, I have to go back to this little bit of dialogue between Homer and Bart in Bart vs. Thanksgiving (S2, Ep. 7).  Bart has no clue who Rocky or Underdog are in the Thanksgiving Day Parade and states:

Bart: Well, I know it wouldn’t hurt them to use some cartoons made in the last 50 years.

Homer: Son, this is a tradition.  If you start building a balloon for every flash in the pan cartoon character, you’ll turn the parade in to a farce.

Balloons Continue reading

Hey Addicts, Caption This!

Sometimes TSTO gives us humorous little moments when we capture our characters doing rather strange things.  These posts are all about those strange and funny moments! Once a week we’ll be posting a Caption This!
moment where we want you, the Addicts readers, to put on your writing caps and come up with what you think is happening in the screenshot. Post your captions in the comments below. We can’t wait to see how creative and funny you guys can be!

Hey Addicts… Caption This!
(This week’s Caption This image was submitted by Addicts reader & Flickr Member mosley352)
If you’ve got an image you’d like to submit for a “Caption this!” post, email it to us at TSTOAddictsblog@gmail.com or post it on the Addicts Flickr page, you never know when yours might be next!

New Simpsons Episode- The Kid’s Alright

Shhh…I’m not here. They think I am ***cough cough*** “sick”, but I secretly took off in the Hawaiin islands and am sipping some cool drinks by the beach. The furry creature in the basement is really just the shavings from the Wookiee fuzzball’s last hair cut. Don’t say a word, maybe I can stay here 2 more weeks. 😛

So a new episode was on tonight? Anyone catch it? Yah? Can you tell me what happened so I can write it up? NO??!!! **sigh**  FINE! I guess I will have to make something up. Hmmm….Homer became Mayor, Marge left Homer for Cletus, Bart was given the Nobel Peace Prize, Lisa married Ralphie and lives in the trailer his Dad confiscated from a drug bust, and Maggie…she took over the colony of aliens on Rigel VII and is leading an attack on Springfield as we speak. GREAT EPISODE! THE END!

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