Monthly Archives: December 2013

Addicts Question Corner: Avatars/Gravatars

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Recently we’ve been seeing more and more questions come across the comments and to our email ( about creating an account here on  So I figured now might be a great time for another Addicts question corner.

The good news….here at no account is needed.  In order to comment on ANY post written here all you need is an email address.  Simply put your name (screen name or real name) in the “name” box and then enter your email address.  Don’t worry we won’t share your email address with anyone and it will not be posted.  And that’s it!  Your comment will be submitted for moderation (sorry this helps us avoid trolls and those lovely spam bots!) and should appear on the post shortly!

Want to take it a step further?  Notice how some of your fellow Addicts have images next to their names?  Want to show yourself off?  Help feel like part of the community here at Addicts?  Well there’s this really cool thing you can do.  Word Press uses Gravatar to help create avatars for members wishing to show themselves off!

To set up an account is pretty simple…just visit and sign up!  Be sure to use the email address that you will use when posting to, follow the sign up instructions and that’s it!  You’ll be good to go and show yourself off here with your fellow Addicts!

Not sure what image to use?  Try turning yourself into a Simpsons Character!  There’s a great Simpsonmaker here that you can use to create your own character and use it as your avatar image here at Addicts!

Looking for another way to join the community at TSTO Addicts?  Want to further connect with other Tapping Addicts with out having to go through comment moderation?  Check out our TSTO Addicts Forums!  There you can connect with other Tappers about all things Tapped Out, Simpsons & life in general!

A Fatty New Year 2D

So here we are at the end of 2013. So much has happened and changed in my life in this 12 month span. I really look forward to see what the next 12 months have in store for me. It could get interesting.

I know it has been a while since I have done a 2D. Sorry about that. Been busy hopping all over the country from one side to another. My poor 2D creativity was just ITCHING to come out and play.

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WDTCF- Mr. Costington & His Store

Now a days, every town has to have that MAJOR high end mall type store. The one that is full of anything and everything you need. And if you don’t think you need it, they will make sure you leave thinking you did. Lol.

The store is very reminiscent of the Macy’s & Gimble’s type places from “Miracle on 34th Street”. It is located in Downtown Springfield, Hosts the towns Thanksgiving Day Parades, and has many familiar employees…like Gil and the Yes Guy. The owner, well you never know what to quite make of him. At one moment he seems so kind, at others…a very grumpy old man.

So what store is this? Who is the owner? Well, the title should have given you a clue. It is Costington’s. So without further ado, I will break down the origin of Costington’s, Mr. Costington, and just where they came from in the Simpsons TV World.


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Tick Tock Tick Tock Time Is Running Off The Clock

Do you know what time it is? Well I hope if you were wanting to take advantage of Ol’ Gils Christmas Donut Deal, that you are going to be doing it REALLY soon.


As of EA’s clock…6AM PST on 12/31/2013, Gil’s Deal will be ended. It is not often at all that the precious donuts are offered at such discounts. So for those of you procrastinating, I would suggest go and get that boatload NOW!!!

You have just over 12hrs left from now to make that decision. Mmmmmmm donuts.





Down on the Boardwalk… having Squidport Fun….

Well hello there tappers and tappettes!

Kind of a slow day here at Addicts as you can see from my silly attempt to sing an oldie with TSTO lyrics and failing.  I had written a whole verse and chorus but scrapped it to spare you the silliness lol.

As we ramp up for the new year.  I’m personally so excited for 2014 and all the new content we will have coming in the future.  Of course New Year’s Eve is synonymous with champagne and maybe a little debauchery so I figured I’d hit the kegs here at Addicts and see what’s on tap for today…

I know a lot of folks probably are feeling a little tapped-out with the holiday event, so I thought I’d take a break from it all and talk about a neglected area of a lot of Springfields… Squidport.  Whether you feel it is you or EA that is guilty of the neglect is up to you.  Like most things in life, you are the master of your destiny (and opinion), but I thought I’d show you a neat little trick or two to spice up your Springfield Pier Area.

Toxic Shark's SqP Continue reading

Hey Addicts, Caption This!

Sometimes TSTO gives us humorous little moments when we capture our characters doing rather strange things.  These posts are all about those strange and funny moments! Once a week we’ll be posting a Caption This! moment where we want you, the Addicts readers, to put on your writing caps and come up with what you think is happening in the screenshot. Post your captions in the comments below. We can’t wait to see how creative and funny you guys can be!

Hey Addicts… Caption This!
(This week’s Caption This image was submitted by our friend and frequent Caption This! submitter CapitalCityGoofball)

If you’ve got an image you’d like to submit for a “Caption this!” post, email it to us at or post it on the Addicts Flickr page, you never know when yours might be next!

All original art and content © Up All Night, LLC and
All Screen Shots of Game Graphics & Dialogue and Game Graphics from files ™ and © EA, Gracie Films and FOX


Well look at what we got here. There is a character that seems to continually reoccur as an employee at pretty much any job possible that is now in our game. Do you know who I am talking about?

The man that I am speaking of is referred to as the “Yes Guy” for the crazy way he always says yes. “Eeeh-Y-e-e-e-es?”. I just love this guy. I think it is due to just how obnoxious he is. They way he talks. It reminds me of some old shows I watched with my Gramms in black and white with the guy desperate to sale you anything, so he makes EVERYTHING sound like it is the best deal you are getting. He is essentially kissing your behind the entire time. I loved watching those old reruns of Jack Benny and I Love Lucy with her. The actor he was made in honor of, Frank Nelson, was a riot to watch. You should check out some of his work and see just why the Yes Guy came about.

Yes Guy n Frank Nelson

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Turbo Tappin’- EHHH-YESSSSSSSS Style

WOOHOO! WE GOT THE YES GUY!! And you all thought this lil Bunny got annoying. Just you wait. 😉

Well as with any new character added to our lil game, the Yes Guy came with a quick lil task line with some quite hilarious dialog. (EA jabbing at us again?)

So for those of you will lightnin fast tappa tappa tappin fingers, here is the short short short version of his quest.

Positive Reinforcement Pt. 1
Yes Guy will start the task.

Make The Yes Guy Search for a New Catchphrase-60 mins / $70 17XP


Positive Reinforcement Pt. 2
Yes Guy will start the task.

Make The Yes Guy Call a Doctor– 4hrs /$175 45XP


Positive Reinforcement Pt. 3
Yes Guy will start the task.

Make The Yes Guy Run Away in Shame– 12hrs / $420 100XP


Positive Reinforcement Pt. 4
Yes Guy will start the task.

Make The Yes Guy Get a Haircut– 8hrs / $275 70XP


Positive Reinforcement Pt. 5
Yes Guy will start the task.

Make The Yes Guy Be Mr. Burns Yes Man- 24hrs / $600 150XP

So now you have an annoying character in your game that I truly adore and am happy he is finally here. Enjoy!


Community Prize #4: Yeeeeesssssss?! The Yes Guy is here!


Hey Howdy Hey Gift Bag Dropping Tappers!

Well 4 down 1 to go!  We’ve hit the magical 975 million mark in our community prize goal and you know what that means….the Yes Guy is here!



That’s right Tappers when you login to you Springfield today you’ll see the message that the Yes Guy has been unlocked and should be live in your Springfield!  He does come with a full list of tasks AND his own questline…not bad for a free character huh?

We’ll be back with the Turbo Tappin’ version of the Yes Guy’s questline AND a WDTCF (yes he’s appeared in several Simpsons episodes) but for now enjoy the new free character we’ve unlocked!

Here’s to 1.2 billion gift bags and the Candy Cane Power Plant skin!

P.S. He is voiced! (Sorry I had my sound off at first…)

Bunny here…Turbo Tappin done and ready to drop on you all in a few hours (it’s so fun to make you wait in anticipation. Muhahahahah.) In the meantime, Yes Guy will be the one to keep available, of course. First up will take 60 min, after that well…I guess you will have to wait n see. 😛


You can replace fortune with FRUSTRATION, FORMULAS or according to others, some other “F” words if you like.

How’s every one doing?  Been strolling around the wide world of TSTO and recently I’ve noticed quite a few folks intensely focused on the Holiday Wheel that came with this year’s holiday update.  What at first seemed like such a cool concept has ended up being a hotly debated item.  There are folks who have become disillusioned, feel cheated, don’t care, want that last item that is taunting them.  Whatever the case, it is definitely one of those items you either love or hate it seems.

Holiday Giveaway Wheel

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